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About KirksTechTips.com

Kirks Tech Tips is an independent publication launched in March 2023 by Kirk. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows Kirks Tech Tips to continue to exist. Thank you!

About Me

As a passionate developer, I have dedicated the past two decades to software development, constantly exploring new languages and technologies. My journey began with Visual Fox Pro and Visual Basic, and I now specialize in Go (GoLang), which is my primary language.

My expertise extends beyond software development, encompassing cloud architecture, hardware, and networking. This broad knowledge allows me to create scalable, high-performing platforms that cater to millions of users worldwide. I have developed social media platforms, SEO and marketing platforms, web scraping tools, and other exciting projects.

My focus is on backend development, particularly core microservices (using GRPC for communication), APIs (mostly REST-based), tooling, and infrastructure. I often lead a team of 4-20 other engineers.

Here are some of the technologies I have been proficiently using recently for platform development:


  • Go (Main language)
  • PHP (including Laravel)
  • Node (Javascript / TypeScript)
  • Bash
  • SQL
  • Carbon (still experimental)


  • Postgres
  • MySql
  • Mongo
  • Redis
  • CouchDB
  • Memcache
  • Auora (all AWS RDS)


  • GCP and AWS
  • AWS Lambda
  • AWS StepFunctions
  • AWS EC2
  • GCP Cloud Functions
  • GCP Datastore
  • GCP Compute Engine
  • AWS & GCP Firewall configuration, ingress/egress, load balancing, autoscaling, etc.


  • GRPC
  • Git
  • Docker (including Docker Swarm, which is one of my favorites)
  • Linux (Debian being my daily driver OS of choice)
  • API Development

Note that this is not an exhaustive list of my skills, and I am always eager to learn new technologies and explore new areas of development.